If the system of equations $x - ky - z = 0$, $kx - y - z = 0$ and $x + y - z = 0$ has a non zero solution, then the possible value of k are
The values of $\lambda$ and $\mu$ for which the system of linear equations
$x+2 y+3 z=5$
$x+3 y+\lambda z=\mu$
has infinitely many solutions are, respectively
The system of linear equations $x + \lambda y - z = 0,\lambda x - y - z = 0\;,\;x + y - \lambda z = 0$ has a non-trivial solution for:
The ordered pair $(a, b)$, for which the system of linear equations $3 x-2 y+z=b$ ; $5 x-8 y+9 z=3$ ; $2 x+y+a z=-1$ has no solution, is
Let $S_1$ and $S_2$ be respectively the sets of all $a \in R -\{0\}$ for which the system of linear equations
$a x+2 a y-3 a z=1$
$(2 a+1) x+(2 a+3) y+(a+1) z=2$
$(3 a+5) x+(a+5) y+(a+2) z=3$
has unique solution and infinitely many solutions. Then